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Thursday 19 December 2013


Fem@lov Video Present   

The Secret of Feminine Beauty


Unleash your feminine beauty with our best selling all natural hormon balancer engineered for women’s outher beauty and inner health. It can help to lighten dark spots and smoothen skin complexion. Upon balancing your hormone and strenghtening vaginal health, you will experience natural breast and hip firming, increase of vaginal secretion and elasticity. Say goodbye to menopausa l discomforts and regain the confidence every women deserve!


The Challenges Every Woman Face

Women are known to be the foundation of every family, child and man. Thus it is fair to say, the role of women is utmost important to our modern society. But the ever stressful and complicated urban lifestyle makes it difficult to maintain a healthy wellbeing of the human body. What makes it harder is that men can never understand the worries faced by women – physically and mentally. As women’s biological clock ticks on, they face problems like sagging breasts after miscarriage or postpartum, shrinking, unbalance breast size, sagging hips, rough skin, hair breakage and dullness, menstrual pain, leucorrhea, bad vaginal odor, low libido, loosen vaginal wall, less vaginal secretion, risk of breast cancer, uterus related diseases and etc.


Product Ingredients

SKG WORLD’s FEM@LOV uses only the finest quality of ingredients based on our Swiss Formulation which is engineered to increase the coreof women’s beauty – estrogen. Just like the importance of the root for a tree, the charm and beauty of a woman is dependable on the sufficiency of estrogen secretion in the body.

Pueraia Mirifica , a national treasure of Thailand is the most popular plan that has been studied by professional researchers in the recent decades. It possesses many researches and report on its safety . helps to balance the women's estrogen level , in order to have a perfect body line exteenally and achieve a good health internally .
Awake women’s natural genetic code, enhances the sensitivity of breast tissue to hormone, stimulates the growth and development of mammary alveolar and mammary gland ductal, increases the accumulation of connective tissue of mammary gland.
Helps to enlarge and firm the breasts naturally, prevents sagging and shrinking breasts, vaginal dryness, vaginal odour, leukorrhagia. On the other hand, it helps to maintain a beautiful hair, lustrous eyes and nails and enhances women’s attractiveness.
Posses the highest and qualities estrogenic activity among the known phyto-estrogens (it is 60 times higher compared to soy and alfalfa)

-协助女性自然丰胸,预防胸部下垂,萎缩.预防阴道干涩,下体异味,白带过多等。 同时具有亮丽秀发,让眼睛及指甲更有光泽,让女性魅力添加。

– Rich in phyto-estrogens, phyto-nutrients and diosgenin .
– Helps to enlarge and firm the breasts naturally, having stout hips, whiten and beautifies your skin.
– Prevents discomfortable feeling during menstruation (premenstrual molimen), discomfort menopausal symptoms, cardiovascular diseases and etc.
- 拥有丰富的植物雌激素,植物性营养素和山药素(薯蓣皂苷元)。
- 能协助女性自然丰胸,结实臀部,美白,美肤等。

- Rich in taraxol, taraxacin, choline, carotenoid, folic acid, calcium, trace elements, selenium and etc.
- Promotes the secretion of hormones from the body’s organ naturally, excrete the unwanted toxin from estrogen receptor, prevents mammary cancer and etc.
- Promotes proliferation of breasts tissues and diuresis, prevents eczema and purifies blood.2

- Rich in saponin, promotes the secretion of estrogen.
- Prevents women’s physiological maladies, such as the problems of leucorrhea, menstrual pain and etc.
-预防女性生理疾病如:白带,经痛 等问题。

- Grow in Europe, Asia and America; it is a 2 years old chrysanthemum plant species.
- Regulates the physiological problems such as irregular menstrual cycles, menstrual pain, headache and etc.
- Promotes blood circulation, prevents constipation, gastrointestinal diseases and etc.

- Helps the body to produce more good bacteria,bifidobacteria.
- Maintains the normal pH of intestinal tract, reduces harmful bacteria.
- Delays aging process, smoothen and beautify skin complexion.
-能帮助有益菌Bifidobacteria 的生长。

Inner & Outer Feminine Beauty

Inner Beauty 魅力内在美

-Increase vaginal secretion, prevent vaginal dryness
-Increase vaginal elasticity
-Prevent excessive vaginal discharge, vaginal odour.
-Prevent breast cancer, endometrial cancer, colorectal cancer
-Reduce PMS syndrome, such as, hot flashes, sweating, emotional instability, osteoporosis.
-Reduce menstrual pain, increase sex drive.
-Improve sleeping quality, enhance memory
-Promote ovary health, increase pregnancy probability
-Reduce bad cholesterol, blood pressure
-Promote blood circulation, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Outer Beauty 魅力外在美

-Breast enhancement/ enlargement -达致个人理想的丰满乳房
-Breast firming (sagging breast after post natal) -结实坚挺因产后或年纪增长而下垂,萎缩的乳房
-Balance breast size -平均乳房的大小
-Smooth skin complexion -更细嫩的肌肤
-Beautiful and healthy hair -更亮丽的秀发
-Attractive and charming eye -更有神的眼眸
-Smooth and fine facial skin, prevent black spot -细致的脸部肌肤
-Shiny and healthy nails -预防黑斑在脸上滋长
-Firming breast size -更光泽的指甲
-Healthy heel

Frequent Asked Questions
1)Is fem@lov safe? 丰乐是否安全?Absolutely safe. fem@lov is a proprietary formula with all 100% natural extracted ingredients. It has gone through numbers of laboratory test and confirmed no heavy metals, no steroids and is a supplement for all women.
绝对安全.fem@lov丰乐魅力方程式,采用纯天然植物精华研制而成.并拥有多项化验报告,证实无重金属, 无合成类固醇,适合女性长期使用。

2)How fem@lov works in enhancing inner and outer beauty? 为什么丰乐能让女性魅力添加?
fem@lov, the secret code to attractive woman, helps to raise breast tissue sensitivity and to stimulate the healthy growth of breast glands and ducts and promoting breast firming and enhancement. It helps in enhancing outer head to toe beauty and promote inner healthiness.
fem@lov丰乐能唤醒女性天赋基因密码,提高乳房组织对自身激素的敏感性, 并激发乳腺泡和乳腺导管的生长发育, 加强乳腺结缔组织的安全累积.并维持雌激素平衡水平,让您达至从头发,眼睛, 肌肤,指甲, 身段的魅力外在美, 及没有女性生理病痛的魅力内在美的巅峰。

3)How long does it take to see visible results? 需要多久才可见效?
fem@lov is a proprietary blend, 100% natural energizing extracted ingredients, this energized active ingredients with smaller molecular bundle increase the absorption rate. it takes 3 months (1 cycle) to see maximum results (2 sachets daily [from 1st day of peiod till day 15] until next period cycle). Most women will experience a feeling of breast fullness during 1-2 week, for 3-6 week, most women will notice substantial improvement in skin texture and complexion. However,the result varies according to individual. For old aged it might take a little bit longer period to see results because of their lower metabolic and absorption rate. The results will be faster if coupled with adequate breast exercise/massage.

4)When I stop taking fem@lov will my breasts return to their former size and shape?
No. Don’t worry. Once your size and shape of your breasts have reached your expectation, the results will not disappear, unless you experience drastic weight-loss. Because your breast enlargement is all-natural, time and gravity and estrogen will affect your breasts normally. You should maintain the size you have achieved with 1 sachet a day.
别担心,您所得到的效果并不会完全消失.但女性雌激素会随着年龄增长而日渐分泌减少, 所以当您达到满意程度后, 可每日服食1包,让您保持女性魅力,经常都成为目光的焦点。

5)I’m very satisfied with my breast size and shape, do I still need to consume fem@lov?
Aging, social pressure etc, have given rise to dramatic decline in body hormone secretion. With fem@lov, you could maintain the estrogen level in the body. It helps in breast firming and prevent sagging, prevent unwanted diseases, as such, it helps you to be confident in body, mind & soul.
随着年龄增长, 社会压力等, 都会导致体内刺激素水平下降,而 fem@lov丰乐 能让您体内雌激素水平维持在巅峰,平衡状态,让乳房坚挺及预防下垂,并预防女性生理疾病,让您身心都充满自信的魅力。

6)Can I take fem@lov when having menstruation? 我月经来潮可服用丰乐吗?
Yes . 可以。

7)fem@lov is suitable for which age group (women)? 丰乐适合哪个年龄层的女性?
Women aged 15 years and above and not pregnant, are suitable to consume fem@lov.

8)I have gone through hysterectomy, am I suitable to consume fem@lov?
Absolutely suitable. After the removal of the ovary, the estrogen in the body will reduce substantially, resulting in sagging breasts and hips, rough skin, unhealthy hair and nails, premature aging. fem@lov contains natural bio-identical phyto-estrogen which is similar with female estrogen, as such it helps to restore the inner and outer beauty.

9)After post-natal, I am facing reduction in vaginal secretion, loose vagina, low sex drive, how could fem@lov help me?
Many women have sacrifice for their family, and pay unconditional love to their children, leading to deteriorating physical condition, such as, reduction in vagina secretion, loose vagina, low sex desire, and so on. These were due to hormone imbalance and declining in estrogen secretion. fem@lov contains natural bio-identical phyto-estrogen which is similar with female estrogen, as such it helps to restore the inner and outer beauty.
很多女性为家庭付出,为生儿育女而奉献,导致生理机能衰退,如阴道性分泌减少,阴道松弛,性欲减低等,影响自信,心里委屈,追根究底,是因为体内内分泌失调,雌激素下降所导致。fem@lov丰乐能提供与人体结构相同的天然植物雌激素, 让女性生理机能恢复最佳状态,重现娇媚魅力。

10)Is there any difference between fem@lov and HRT? 丰乐与HRT有什么分别?
US Government had announced that HRT(Hormone Replacement Therapy), man-made synthetic drugs could cause cancer, especially breast cancer, stroke, cardiovascular diseases. As such, expert recommend to consume natural phyto-estrogen which is bio-identical with female estrogen. Thus, fem@lov is the best solution with zero side effect.
专家建议服用与人体分子相同的植物雌激素,而fem@lov丰乐 提供天然植物雌激素,无副作用, 安全展现。女性魅力。


Be rest assured that FEM@LOV is 100% safe for human consumption as we have both international and local certifications to verify that.

很多代理及顾客都不断询问H2 的好处有哪些?如何使用的?谢谢一些代理分享的资料(以下是代理提供的资料): 负氢离子五大功效 •延年益寿:人从三十岁以后就开始进入逐渐老化的阶段,荷尔蒙分泌减少,对自由基的氧化性损伤就更为敏感。负氢离子拥有在细胞内外自由流通的特性,得以随时清除体内多余的自由基,及时补充维护各细胞不足之处,能够帮助保持心脏血管及其它内脏的健康。 •改善睡眠:随着年龄的增加,内分泌平衡的能力降低,对自由基的损伤就更为敏感。尤其是大脑逐渐退化,睡眠失调,成为对生活质量影响最大的因素。负氢离子能够替大脑清除有害的自由基,保护大脑,所以能安定神经,有效地改善睡眠质量。是目前公认最安定、无副作用、且不成 瘾的抗氧化健康素。 •褪黑祛斑,增加肌肤弹性:负氢离子能够有效抑制自由基,减低黑色素形成因子。此外,更有助增加体内天然美白元素的功能,对淡斑、均匀肤色有显著功效。有助强化胶原组织,提升肌肤弹性,滋润缺水肌肤,解决干燥、皱纹等问题。从功效方面可以说是当之无愧的抗氧化护肤品。 •维持和增强性功能:补充负氢离子可以使年迈体衰、精力下降而导致性欲减退的中老年人提高性功能,且无副作用,调节各种性激素的分泌,使它们不致发生过量或不足。•预防癌症及老年疾病:负氢离子有明显的抗癌作用,它能增强人体搜寻破坏癌细胞的能力,消除自由基对细胞的损伤,增强T细胞功能,保持机体良好的免疫功能,同时,负氢离子对防治忧郁症、老年痴呆症,帕金森氏症,白内障,青光眼也有明显的效果。

Many agents and customers are constantly asking H 2 what are the benefits? How do I use? Thank you for some agents share the information, the following is provided by the agent information):negative hydrogen ions 5 maximum effectiveness• foods: From the age of 30 will start to gradually aging, hormones decreases, the free base of oxidation damage is more sensitive. Negative hydrogen ions have the Inside and Outside cells free flow of features, and are able to keep clear in excess of the free base, and in maintaining the stem cell deficiencies, and can help maintain heart blood vessels and other internal organs.• Improve sleep: increases with age, endocrine balance of capacity, the free radicals damage is more sensitive. In particular, brain deterioration, sleep disorders, and a quality-of-life impact the most significant factor. Negative hydrogen ions can clear brain harmful free radicals, protects the brain, and therefore stability and nerves, and effectively improve sleep quality. It is now acknowledged as one of the most stable and has no side effects, and no dependence of the oxidation resistance of health.â and black circuling, increase skin elasticity: Negative hydrogen ions can inhibit free radicals, reduce melanin forming factor. In addition, it will help increase the natural beauty and white elements of the feature, the light spots, uneven color with significant efficacy. It will help to develop the original organization, improve skin elasticity, moisturizes the water skin, dry, wrinkles. The effectiveness can be regarded as well-deserved the resistance to oxidation and skin care products.â maintain and enhance sexual functions: Supplementary negative hydrogen ions can be the elderly frail, and focus on the sexual decline in older persons in improving the quality of sexual function, and there are no side effects, and adjust various sex hormone secretion, so that they do not happen too much or not enough.â prevention of cancer and diseases of aging: the negative hydrogen ions there is a clear anti-cancer effects, it can enhance human search destroy cancerous cells, eliminate free radicals in the cells of the damage, Enhanced T cells to function and to maintain the good Immune Function, while the negative hydrogen ions to combat depression, dementia, Parkinson's disease, cataracts, and glaucoma is also have a significant effect.