Video of the RIght Soulution Younger 3 Years in 3 minutes
Want to experience a radiant facelift in just 3 minutes? It is now possible to look youthful instantly with our Right Solution anti-ageing cream. Its anti-oxidant properties moisturizes and firms up your skin. Its SPF properties also help to provide full protection against the sun, keeping your complexion rejuvenated and silky white. Enjoy all these goodness with one single product. Perfect for thos on the go!
想让肌肤在3分钟内达到紧实的效果吗?如今,我们的抗老化霜,right solution 能让您恢复年轻容貌。它的抗氧化功效能让肌肤达到保湿和紧实的效果。它的SPF功效能让您预防紫外线的侵害,让肌肤呈现水嫩柔白。无论您在何处,一个简单的RIGHT SOLUTION能让您达到您想要的效果。
Right solution is a vitalized, anti-aging and lifting cream which can help to restore youtful appearance.
What is the rationale of RIGHT SOLUTION ?
Being the Right Person in the Right Place at the Right Time and get the Right solution.
Right solution contains I-REAPS, an anti-aging ingredients from Switzerland, which help in skin rejuvenation.
What is the fear about skin aging?
We begin to age the moment we are born. Good skin care habits during the twenties will preserve skin beauty and delay signs of aging later on.
Right solution 是一个让我们恢复青春并且活化细胞、抗老化和紧实肌肤霜。
Right solution 采用了 I-REAPS 瑞士的抗老化配方,帮助我们恢复青春容貌。
皮肤老化有什么好害怕 ?
Product Ingredients – IREAPS
产品原料- IREAPS
Soy Isoflavones 大豆异黄酮
-Soy isoflavones are derived from soy and help keep skin young looking.
-Isoflavones interfere with cell metabolism. In the dermis, the isoflavones boost collagen and elastin production, which leads to increased skin density and improved firmness and elasticity.
-Soy isoflavones will lighten age spots.
Red clover 红三叶草
-Red clover, also known as Trefoil, is a plant that is grown wild in Europe, Asia and North America.
-Red Clover contains all four estrogenic isoflavones: biochanin, formonoetin, daidzein and genistein.
-Therefore, red Clover produces estrogenic effects when rubbed on the skin .
-Red clover contains isoflavones, plant-based chemicals that produce estrogen-like effects in the body. Isoflavones have shown potential in the treatment of a number of conditions associated with menopause, such as hot flashes, cardiovascular health, and osteoporosis.
-红三叶草含有四种植物雌激素异黄酮:biochanin, formonoetin, daidzein 和 genistein, 能改善女性更年期的问题。
Vitamin E 维生素E
-Vitamin E is a blend of natural compounds (alpha, beta, delta and gamma), which make it a mixed tocopherol.
-Vitamin E is vital in protecting skin cells from ultra violet light, pollution, drugs, and other elements that produce cell damaging free radicals because of its antioxidant activity.
-Ultraviolet rays and the free radicals age the skin more quickly reducing its elasticity and creating wrinkles.
-Vitamin E therefore works to prevent wrinkles, stimulates the blood circulation and regulates the skin’s elasticity.
Vitamin A 维生素A
-Vitamin A is an antioxidant that helps rejuvenate the skin by improving the texture and blood supply of the deeper collagen fibers.
-Improves skin elasticity, tone and texture.
-Vitamin A smooths skin surface and improves appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Paeonia suffruticosa 牡丹
-Peonia suffructicosa contains a unique glycoside called paeoniflorin.
-Paeoniflorin’s major effect seems to be to calm nerves and alleviate spasm. It has been found to effectively reduce symptoms of cramping and pain associated with dysmenorrhea (painful menses).
-Peony has been applied to the skin to prevent wrinkles.
-芍药苷主要的功效帮助镇静神经和缓解痉挛。 它也非常有效减少抽筋和经痛。
Portulaca oleracea 马齿苋
-Portulaca oleracea derived from the common purslane plant; mineral-rich, vitamin C and omega-3 fatty acids, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
-Externally, it is used to treat burns, earache, insect stings, inflammations, skin sores, ulcers, pruritis (itching skin), eczema and abscesses.
-Topical application of the aqueous extract onto the skin was effective in relieving muscle spasms.
Suma Root 须磨根
-Suma root is a large, shrubby ground vine that has an intricate and deep root system.
-Suma grows in the Amazon Basin, more specifically in the tropical parts of Brazil, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay and Peru.
-It is a series of natural hormone-like compounds have been isolated from suma, namely sitosterol, stigmasterol and beta-ecdysterone.
-While the former compounds play a role in balancing the female hormonal system, beta-ecdyterone has anabolic properties which means that it has muscle-building properties. Suma also acts as a true adaptogen. An adaptogen is a product that provides an resistance to stress while having regenerative properties.
-它拥有一些天然荷尔蒙成分如 sitosterol, stigmasteol 和beta-ecdysterone.
-它有效帮助平衡女性荷尔蒙,当中 beta-ecdyterone 帮助结实肌肉。须摩根是一个很好的调适剂,帮助身体改善情绪和压力并加以提升免疫力。