本最新科技。負氫離子。年畅销额达过亿 h2 ZETA!
日本年銷售額過億產品, h2
1) 能讓過敏肌膚恢復正常。
2) 讓肌膚美白。
3) 讓黑斑快速淡化。。。。。。
4) 鎮靜青春痘肌膚。
5) 保護眼睛,預防眼疾。
6) 快速提升肌膚鎖水功能。。。。。。
8) 改善皮肤状态
9) 加强肌肤营养吸收
Japan + United States the latest
medical technology, Japan had annual sales of millions of products, h2 ZETA has
10 major effects:
1) Regain & against skin allergies
2) Skin whitening
3) Fasten the desalination of black spot
4) Calm acne skin.
5) Eye protection to prevent eye
6) Rapidly improve skin lock water feature
7) Repair and rejuvenate skin
8) Improve skin textures
9) Strengthen the nutrients to be absorbed by skin
10)Eyes protection
很多代理及顾客都不断询问H2 的好处有哪些?如何使用的?谢谢一些代理分享的资料(以下是代理提供的资料): 负氢离子五大功效 •延年益寿:人从三十岁以后就开始进入逐渐老化的阶段,荷尔蒙分泌减少,对自由基的氧化性损伤就更为敏感。负氢离子拥有在细胞内外自由流通的特性,得以随时清除体内多余的自由基,及时补充维护各细胞不足之处,能够帮助保持心脏血管及其它内脏的健康。 •改善睡眠:随着年龄的增加,内分泌平衡的能力降低,对自由基的损伤就更为敏感。尤其是大脑逐渐退化,睡眠失调,成为对生活质量影响最大的因素。负氢离子能够替大脑清除有害的自由基,保护大脑,所以能安定神经,有效地改善睡眠质量。是目前公认最安定、无副作用、且不成 瘾的抗氧化健康素。 •褪黑祛斑,增加肌肤弹性:负氢离子能够有效抑制自由基,减低黑色素形成因子。此外,更有助增加体内天然美白元素的功能,对淡斑、均匀肤色有显著功效。有助强化胶原组织,提升肌肤弹性,滋润缺水肌肤,解决干燥、皱纹等问题。从功效方面可以说是当之无愧的抗氧化护肤品。 •维持和增强性功能:补充负氢离子可以使年迈体衰、精力下降而导致性欲减退的中老年人提高性功能,且无副作用,调节各种性激素的分泌,使它们不致发生过量或不足。•预防癌症及老年疾病:负氢离子有明显的抗癌作用,它能增强人体搜寻破坏癌细胞的能力,消除自由基对细胞的损伤,增强T细胞功能,保持机体良好的免疫功能,同时,负氢离子对防治忧郁症、老年痴呆症,帕金森氏症,白内障,青光眼也有明显的效果。
Many agents and customers are constantly asking H 2 what are the benefits? How do I use? Thank you for some agents share the information, the following is provided by the agent information):negative hydrogen ions 5 maximum effectiveness• foods: From the age of 30 will start to gradually aging, hormones decreases, the free base of oxidation damage is more sensitive. Negative hydrogen ions have the Inside and Outside cells free flow of features, and are able to keep clear in excess of the free base, and in maintaining the stem cell deficiencies, and can help maintain heart blood vessels and other internal organs.• Improve sleep: increases with age, endocrine balance of capacity, the free radicals damage is more sensitive. In particular, brain deterioration, sleep disorders, and a quality-of-life impact the most significant factor. Negative hydrogen ions can clear brain harmful free radicals, protects the brain, and therefore stability and nerves, and effectively improve sleep quality. It is now acknowledged as one of the most stable and has no side effects, and no dependence of the oxidation resistance of health.â and black circuling, increase skin elasticity: Negative hydrogen ions can inhibit free radicals, reduce melanin forming factor. In addition, it will help increase the natural beauty and white elements of the feature, the light spots, uneven color with significant efficacy. It will help to develop the original organization, improve skin elasticity, moisturizes the water skin, dry, wrinkles. The effectiveness can be regarded as well-deserved the resistance to oxidation and skin care products.â maintain and enhance sexual functions: Supplementary negative hydrogen ions can be the elderly frail, and focus on the sexual decline in older persons in improving the quality of sexual function, and there are no side effects, and adjust various sex hormone secretion, so that they do not happen too much or not enough.â prevention of cancer and diseases of aging: the negative hydrogen ions there is a clear anti-cancer effects, it can enhance human search destroy cancerous cells, eliminate free radicals in the cells of the damage, Enhanced T cells to function and to maintain the good Immune Function, while the negative hydrogen ions to combat depression, dementia, Parkinson's disease, cataracts, and glaucoma is also have a significant effect.